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Interview with Science Fiction and Fantasy Author M. G. Velasco

M. G. Velsaco and I are in a writing group together, so I got to read some of his book Cardslinger before it came out!

Tell us about yourself! What would you like readers to know about you?

M. G. Velasco: Hello! I'm a children's book writer out of the Dallas area, a husband to an amazing wife, and dad to a couple of extraordinary teens. I have a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology and worked in a pathology lab before I became an author. Shout out to all the lab and med techs helping battle coronavirus!

Alexis: I always think that having a background in science helps people write vivid and realistic sci-fi!

I understand that you had an agent who sold your first book, Cardslinger. But this person did some offensive things on Twitter, so you left. Could you talk about exactly what happened and why you chose to leave?

M.G. Velasco: Here's the Publisher's Weekly story about it: Three Agents Resign After Red Sofa Literary Owner's Tweet

I was late to everything, reading a tweet about the first agent who quit Red Sofa. From there, I scoured all the threads relating to the incident. Shocked and confused, I reached out to a couple of writers from the agency. Later, my ex-agent's response to the backlash wasn't good and made a difficult choice more obvious. Still, it was a sad decision to make.

Alexis: Yes, I can imagine how hard it would be to walk away. I’m glad you took a stand for what you believe in, though. I also found another writer’s perspective for anyone who want to know more.

Are you planning on looking for another agent? Is your agent’s company or business doing anything to help you?

M. G. Velasco: Definitely. It's back to querying! 

If you are planning to look for an agent in the future, what would you want them to know about you?

M.G. Velasco: I have experience now and a better understanding of publishing. I'm a decent person and will make deadlines.

Who is your favorite character in your book? What do you like about them? (or, which character do you hate most and why)

M.G. Velasco: Atalanta. She has a nice arc and many epic moments. Really though, she kicks ass.

Cardslinger, by M. G. Velasco

What are you doing to de-stress during the pandemic? Is there any coping mechanism you’d recommend (or NOT recommend)?

M. G. Velasco: I try not to watch the news or wallow in social media. There was a point, though, that I had to stay current of the goings on in the world otherwise I would get super anxious. Mostly, I'll occupy myself by writing, gaming, or exercising. Now, if you're sitting at your desk all day writing (or working because of stay-at-home orders), I would suggest taking at least one break to foam roll. Get a full-size, solid foam roller and do thoracic stretches. The little pops and crackles from the movements feel awesome and rejuvenating. Your back will thank you, and because you won't feel like crap, you'll probably increase your word count and improve your writing.

Alexis: It’s ironic that you wrote about the foam roll, because my husband just bought me one. I have a lot of back pain (the downside of being a classical musician), and the foam roll along with lots of yoga has definitely helped my back.

What TV shows/Movies do you like to watch or stream?

M. G. Velasco: Recently, my family and I have watched Community and The Good Place. My favorite show from the last few years is The Expanse. Amazing sci-fi with amazing characters. Drummer for life, sasa ke? I binged Watchmen when HBO made it free to watch. God-tier! Early in my writing life, I wanted to be a movie screenwriter. I can't wait to see Tenet and the new Dune.

Alexis: I love Community, and I need to watch the last season of The Good Place. Right now, I’m binge watching Person of Interest, which is sort of a spy thriller/detective show with a scifi premise. I keep meaning to watch the Expanse, because I loved the first season, but it feels like a very intense show, so I’m waiting to watch it when I’m in a happier place.

Do you like playing video games? What’s your favorite game right now? Has a video game ever influenced you as a writer? 

M. G. Velasco: I grew up in the 80's and got caught up in the craze, only hitting pause on video gaming during the PS2/xbox era. Got a PS3 and haven't really stopped since, still loving arcades, home systems, and PC gaming. My favorite game right now is Final Fantasy VII Remake. I played a lot of Red Dead Redemption while writing early drafts of CARDSLINGER. It helped me stay enthusiastic about writing a Western. The details in that game are amazing. The music's great, too. Same with RDR2 while I was revising. The writing in those games is tops.

Alexis: When I’m playing certain games, I always think that stories they tell are really something special. There’s a incredible amount of art in a well done video game, and I wish more people would recognize that.

Do you like playing board games or role playing games like D&D? If so, which games do you like best?

M. G. Velasco: Board games take up a lot of shelf space in my house, although I would say my collection is small compared to others. Playing tabletop games is one of my favorite ways to spend time with my family. Although we might break out a heavy game or two, we mostly stick to medium-weight or light party games that allow for joking around. I still try to crush everybody, though, because I respect my family too much to take it easy on them. Current favorites are Wingspan, Root, and Terraforming Mars. I also have a "small" pile of Magic: The Gathering cards and a few janky, homemade decks. CARDSLINGER has a fictional collectible card game at its core, and it's because of my love of MtG. I even made promos of most of the characters as game trading cards! Also, I went 3 for 3 at the last MtG event, so yeah, I'm not bad. Lol 

Alexis: Haha, I actually tried to get a copy of Wingspan before quarantine, but it was all sold out! I used to play Magic: The Gathering, but it’s been years and I was never a very serious player. We’ve been playing Scattergories and Jackbox with friends online though, and that’s been very fun.

What advice do you have for other writers or people just getting started in writing?

M. G. Velasco: I'm going to steal this from Neil Gaiman: "Just write." If you have that story bubbling inside, don't wait for inspiration, don't worry about perfection, and don't worry about what anyone else thinks. Put that sucker down on paper, on screen, whatever, and write to The End. Oh, and read. 

Alexis: I know it can be so hard to write regularly or write everyday, especially if someone has a job and a family. But honestly, I know that I’m a better writer when I write more often. I have more ideas, I write faster, and I feel better about what I’m writing when I write everyday. It’s just so hard to keep it up when there’s so much to do and so many distractions.

How do you choose what books you want to read?

M. G. Velasco: I'll pick up a book for its premise and cover (yes, I love me some good cover art). I'll read the first few paragraphs to get a sense of the voice. If it hooks, I'll probably buy it or check it out from the library.

Do you like Greek/Roman/Norse/Asian/African mythology or folklore? What’s your favorite myth?

M. G. Velasco: Mythology plays a big role in CARDSLINGER in its plot and in the card game. The story is partly a reverse Odyssey, with some of the characters and monsters showing up in CARDSLINGER. Overall, I love the uniqueness yet similarity of all cultures' myths. They're a reflection of humanity. One Filipino folklore I remember being told as a kid was the story of Pina and why the Pineapple has a thousand eyes. Let just say this: Kids, do your chores or your mom will turn you into a fruit.

Alexis: I had never heard this myth before, so I had to look it up! Very interesting. I always think stories that parents clearly make up to scare children into being good are so funny (now that I’m old enough make up some of my own). It’s such a universal parent thing.

If you write scifi, what technology or innovations or scientific discoveries have inspired your work?

M. G. Velasco: I love everything that is space. Planets, stars, space flight. My work in progress, a scifi adventure, is filled with that goodness. I mixed in Newton's Laws of Motion and artificial intelligence. There's also some of the more fantastical stuff like giant robots, stealth suits, and flying billboards.

Alexis: I’m a huge fan of space as well. There’s something so inspiring yet terribly humbling about the vastness of space.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Author M. G. Velasco, interviewed by Alexis Lantgen of

Learn More About M. G. Velasco

Thanks for having me on your blog, Alexis! It was a nice way to reflect on my writing and on being an author. Here's my website: and twitter: @Velasco_MG

Y'all can find CARDSLINGER at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and

Please, check out this review by American Library Association's Booklist: CARDSLINGER

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