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Interview with Young Adult Fantasy Writer Lucy A. McLaren +

Tell us about yourself! What would you like readers to know about you?

Lucy: Hi! I’m Lucy A. McLaren, a fantasy writer and professional counsellor. I’ve adored fantasy stories for as long as I can remember, and consume them in their various forms—from books to films, video games to TV shows. Besides these, I love spending time with my husband and young son. I also like taking photos of old castles or ruins, as these are really inspiring to me.

My debut book, Awakening: The Commune’s Curse Book 1, released in May 2022 from Santa Fe Writers Project. It’s a multi-POV, character-focused YA dark fantasy, including found family, an authoritarian government, mental health rep, a realistic toxic relationship, and animal companions. I’m currently working on book 2 in that series alongside another YA fantasy book, and several short stories!

Alexis: Wow! I love looking at pictures of old castles or ruins, and your book sounds interesting.

What book or books have most influenced you as a writer?

Lucy: His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman is my favourite series of all time and has certainly influenced me as a writer. I admire Pullman’s worldbuilding and the compelling way in which he tells stories. 

Robin Hobb is my favourite writer; I haven’t read all of her books (yet), but I love everything I have read (Rainwild Chronicles and Liveship Traders trilogy are my favourites). I admire Hobb’s character work in particular, and the way she makes the thoughts, feelings and behaviours of her characters so understandable, even when they’re abominable. 

Alexis: I love His Dark Materials as well, though I’ve read never any Robin Hobb.

 What TV shows/Movies do you like to watch or stream?

Lucy: My husband and I will watch anything Marvel. I really enjoyed Loki (I mean, Tom Hiddleston is awesome) and Daredevil (so pleased that’s coming back). The Witcher and His Dark Materials are both fantastic and I can’t wait for series 3 of both this year (roll on December)! I also like to watch crime dramas, or real life crime and police documentaries. I find them all incredibly fascinating from a psychological point of view. 

In terms of films, again Marvel will always be a winner in our house. Other than that, I love Lord of the Rings and have done since it came out when I was a child. I can’t wait to share it with my son when he’s older! My favorite film, however, is Gladiator. Just… ugh, gets me every time. Amazing. 

Alexis: Awesome! I’m a huge Marvel fan as well, and I really enjoyed the Loki TV series. I’m excited to see where they take his character. I’ve also enjoy The Witcher series (I even learned to play “Toss a Coin to Your Witcher” on ukulele:).

Do you like playing video games? What’s your favorite game right now? Has a video game ever influenced you as a writer?

Lucy: Oh yes, I love gaming. I haven’t had as much chance to do it as I would like since having my son, but it will always be a part of my life. At the moment, I’m playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons because it’s easy to dip into when my son is asleep and doesn’t take much brain power. However, I am *on hold* in Horizon: Forbidden West and I really want to get back to it. Just need to find the time and mental energy! It’s a brilliant game. 

I’d say the games I’ve played over the years have certainly influenced me as a writer. The ones that spring to mind as being the strongest influences are Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask, and Final Fantasy VIII through X. There are multiple characters and intertwining storylines in these games. That is something I aim to emulate in my stories. 

 Do you like playing board games or role playing games like D&D? If so, which games do you like best?

Lucy: I don’t play any at the moment, but I discovered D&D for the first time about 5 years ago and loved it. Creating my character, Evelyn, and her backstory were a big part in my going on to write Awakening—Evelyn is one of the four main characters, and the one whose perspective we follow the most. Playing D&D really brought her to life for me. I wish I’d discovered it when I was younger. It’s so much fun, and really encourages imagination and creativity. I hope to be able to find a campaign to join in future! 

 Do you have a pet or pets? If so, share a picture of your pet!

 Lucy: Sadly I don’t have my own dog at the moment, although always appreciate cuddles with my family dogs Cosmo, Arya and Beth when I go to my parents’ house.

However, this is a photo of Evie. She was my dog; I bought her when I was 18 and we had 13 and a half wonderful years together. She was by my side for so much of the writing of Awakening, snoring away contentedly. She was the inspiration for Dog, the animal companion to young Rose in my book. She loved tea and going for walks in the woods. She was very special. 

Evie, Lucy A. McLaren’s adorable doggie!

 What advice do you have for other writers or people just getting started in writing?

 Lucy: Don’t worry about getting your story perfect straight away. Get it written, editing and rewrites will come later. I made the mistake of trying to tweak as I was writing the first draft. Looking back, that was a massive waste of time. The book went through numerous rewrites and edits since that first draft, and changed loads. 

Basically, get your first draft written. Get the ideas on paper. Refine later.

 How do you choose what books you want to read?

 Lucy: I’m very much a mood reader. I love the feeling of being able to choose my next book. My TBR pile is huge, so I’ll scan through that and just… get a feeling about a certain book. I’ve learned to go with my gut, because when I try to read a book I’m not “feeling” I end up not enjoying it as much. 

I’m currently reading: Ruin of Kings by Jenn Lyons; Tabula Smaragdina: The Destiny Thief by Natalia Wawrzynczak; and Fate and Resolve by Amy Lee. 

If you write horror or dark fantasy, what are some of your fears, and how did they influence your story?

Lucy: I write dark fantasy, though it’s not grimdark. My worlds tend to be grim, inspired by real life events I have seen or experienced. I do try to weave in some element of hope, though—whether that be the spark of friendship, or the animal companions that are part of Awakening. 

For me, my fears do come from real life scenarios: oppression, trauma, mental health issues, sexual assault, victim blaming, toxic relationships. These awful things happen in our world, and they’re scary. I hope that exploring them in a realistic, respectful way in my stories will help people to understand these issues or to process their own experiences. 

Lucy A McLaren, the author of Awakening: The Commune’s Curse

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You can buy Awakening: The Commune’s Curse Book 1 now from your favourite bookshop or retailer.

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Keep up to date with my dark fantasy trilogy, The Commune’s Curse, as well as my other fantasy stories by signing up to my newsletter (bottom of my website):

I also share mental health theory every month on my newsletter, which can help you better understand your own characters, or your favorite characters in the stories you read—so do sign up if that sounds of interest.

You can follow me on Twitter (@lucyamclaren), Instagram (lucy_a_mclaren), Facebook (Lucy A. McLaren Author) and TikTok (@lucyamclarenauthor). I love connecting with fellow fantasy readers and writers!

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