Healing and Justice in June!

I hardly know where to begin as I write this. Originally, I was going to write about how happy I was that school was out, since it’s been a very stressful and difficult year for all the obvious reasons. But that post doesn’t feel accurate anymore. I don’t feel relieved. I feel like crying for my country. For the hundred thousand lives lost to Covid 19, for the victims of police violence, and for the ongoing violence that’s tearing apart so many of our cities, including my own.

Safety and Justice

As much as I hope that this terrible virus is going to die down over the summer, I’m not confident that will happen without people committing to safe, responsible practices to help protect everyone. Being a good citizen isn’t just about freedom—it’s also about responsibility and our duty to our fellow citizens. It’s about building healthy and safe communities. We owe it to each other to wear masks and socially distance as needed, to protect the vulnerable. We owe it to ourselves to wash our hands and take other precautions. I understand that staying home and social distancing is getting old and tiring. Believe me, I can’t wait until it’s safe to go to a pool or have a regular birthday party for my child or visit the zoo or a museum. But I don’t think it’s right to risk any of those things while the infection rate is still climbing, as it is in my state. So please be safe and follow what ever precautions you need to protect yourself and the vulnerable people around you.

I really debated whether or not to say anything about the terrible tragedies that are tearing our country apart. But, I think it’s important. As a white person, I know I’m privileged, so consider this my small statement. We must hold our police and politicians accountable for the murders of unarmed black people. It’s horrible. George Floyd was murdered. He has a six year old daughter, and someday that poor baby is probably going to see a video of her daddy being murdered in the street. As a mother, that hurts my heart. I can’t imagine the pain his family is experiencing right now.

At the same time, while I understand the anger and frustration and rage at the horrible violation and injustice of seeing a man murdered in the street like that, please stop the violence. Smashing up people’s homes and businesses won’t get justice for George. The best way to stop police violence? Vote!! Vote for prosecutors and judges and politicians who will hold violent police officers accountable. Vote for county sheriffs who will listen to the people and train their officers to protect and serve without brutality or racism.

Maybe consider donating to the NAACP or other organizations that support racial equality. Considering that Covid 19 is still raging, I think it’s also important to support Medical organizations like Doctors without Borders.

Maybe consider donating to the NAACP or other organizations that support racial equality. Considering that Covid 19 is still raging, I think it’s also important to support Medical organizations like Doctors without Borders.


In a lighter note, I’m looking forward to reading this summer, and so far my list of summer books includes: Searching for Sappho by Phillip Freeman, Duckett & Dyer: The One Hundred Percent Solution by G.M. Nair, and Unorthodox by Deborah Feldman. If you’re interested in online book fairs, my books are going to be in Joyful June Books (Sci-Fi and Fantasy books in Kindle Unlimited), Summer Sci-Fi and Fantasy Book Sale, Sci-Fi and Fantasy Reads in June (Kindle Unlimited), and the Fantasy Exclusive Sale.

Yay Science!

Also, the NASA/Space X Crew Dragon safely sent US astronauts to the International Space Station! In a time when everything sort of feels like it’s falling apart, this is one thing that really makes me proud of our country and our scientific achievements. As a sci-fi writer and former science teacher, I love that we’re doing so much to explore our Cosmos and advance scientific discovery for all humankind. If there’s anything that gives me hope right now, it’s that I know America is full of dedicated scientists, doctors, nurses, and other amazing people who are working hard everyday to find solutions to the horrible problems we all face.

Summer Sci-Fi and Fatasy Book Sale on Story Origin, hosted by Alexis Lantgen of Lunarianpress.com

Summer Sci-Fi and Fatasy Book Sale on Story Origin, hosted by Alexis Lantgen of Lunarianpress.com

Joyful June Books on Story Origin for Sci-Fi & Fantasy in Kindle Unlimited, hosted by Alexis Lantgen of Lunarianpress.com

Joyful June Books on Story Origin for Sci-Fi & Fantasy in Kindle Unlimited, hosted by Alexis Lantgen of Lunarianpress.com