Book News

October 1-7, 2020 Book Sale: Sapience and Saints & Curses

Both of my books, Sapience and Saints & Curses, are going on sale this week for $0.99! Sapience is a collection of dark science fiction short stories, many of them set on Jupiter’s moon Europa. Saints & Curses is a collection of dark and light fantasy short stories, featuring a mix of Christmas elves, vampire cats, and dark fae evils such as the Erlking.

I’m also happy to have gotten some lovely reviews of both books recently! The Most Sublime did a great review of Saints & Curses, and Miles to Go did an excellent review of Sapience. Reviews are so helpful to writers, so if you’ve read either of my books, please don’t forget to write a review on Amazon or Goodreads!

It’s been an exhausting year, but we’ve gotten through it so far, and I think there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I know it’s easy to get caught up in the news cycle and feel like everything is a disaster, but the truth is, we have more power than we think. We can choose to wear masks and practice good hygiene, and when enough people do that we can stop this terrible virus. We can also vote. We are Americans, and we will decide the future of this country. Check out Vote Save America for more you can do!

Finding Joy in July

I think everyone in the country is having a tough time right now. More and more people in my state are being diagnosed with Covid 19, the hospitals are filling up, and it feels like there’s a horrible new video depicting racism and police brutality everyday. It’s been hard to see any sort of light at the end of the tunnel.

But I don’t think we should give up hope. We can do things to protect other people and ourselves. We can wear masks and stay home to stop the spread of Covid 19. I was encouraged that I saw so many people wearing masks the last time I went out (to the Tag agency). When I take my kids on walks around the neighborhood, people cheerily wave and cross the streets to physically distance. It’s hard, and I wish we could go back to normal, but at least for now, we have our health. We can also donate to organizations that are fighting to stop Covid 19, like Doctors Without Borders.

And I do think that there’s a greater awareness of systemic racism than I can remember ever seeing before. It’s hard to dismantle racism when you can’t see it. Now that so much attention is being brought to the way institutions discriminate and dehumanize people of color (as well as poor people, LGBTQ people, and other marginalized communities), I hope we can find real solutions to address these problems. I’m encouraged by some of the amazing ideas that so many people have, like this program to include social workers and paramedics on calls to people with mental health crises, instead of just the police. This helps people with mental health problems to get the help they need, instead of just having them tasered or arrested or otherwise treated like criminals. What we need to do now is to elect officials who will do the right things and enact good anti-racist policies. And of course, hold politicians and police accountable when they harm innocent people like Elijah McClain.


In terms of finding joy, I’ve come to love watching the local wildlife in my neighborhood. So imagine how excited I was when I noticed a bunny digging a little nest in my thyme pot. It started when I noticed the little hole the bunny had been digging, which she’d lined with fur. I thought it must be a nest, but I didn’t see any babies in there, so I wasn’t sure if she was just using it to keep warm at night (or honestly, whether she was a female bunny at all—I don’t think there’s a good way to tell gender on wild bunnies). Then I saw the bunny in my thyme pot, and managed to snap a couple of pictures. I couldn’t tell what she was doing, but I suspected that she was doing baby-type things.

A few days later, I saw movement coming from the bunny’s nest, and then a couple of teeny little bunny ears and adorable little paws. Sure enough, there are baby bunnies in my thyme pot. I don’t have a picture of them because I didn’t want to disturb them too much, but I hope I can get some cute pics once they’re bigger and maybe hoping around my garden a little more. I’m just so amazed to see something like this, and it’s been a very joyful experience.

Update: The baby bunnies came out of their little burrow in the pot for the first time today, and I got a couple of pictures! They’re just adorable!

Yellow-Crowned Night Herons

In addition to having baby bunnies in my herb garden, I’m also excited that my neighborhood has a nest of yellow-crowned night herons living in my neighbor’s trees. There are at least two baby herons in addition to the parent birds, and it’s been a thrill watching them grow up. I’ve often seen the young birds (which are pretty large, though their coloring makes them hard to spot) both on their nest and walking around near their trees.

Book News

If you’re looking for books to read, I’m hosting some of my largest Story Origins Online Book Fairs ever. Right now there are over 90 books in my Fantasy and Sci-Fi in July Kindle Unlimited Book Fair. If you’re looking for books on sale, you can also check out the July Sci-Fi and Fantasy Book Sale and All for Less Than a Pair of Socks. And if you’re looking for some free short stories, you can also check out the Summer Reading—Science Fiction and Fantasy Giveaway!

It’s also been exciting to read all the interviews that my fellow science fiction and fantasy writers have shared with me! Many of them are fascinating people, and I hope that you’ll read some of the interviews, especially if you’re looking for a new author to try out. Reading is probably one of the safest and most relaxing things we can all do right now.

Cat Pics!

Of course, if we want to find a little joy and comfort, we can give our pets a good snuggle or look at pictures of how cute they are! Here are some of my cat pics.

May the Force Be With You!

Everything will be okay. Right? Right?

We survived April. Did it require lots of deep breathing to stop what felt like a constant panic attack? Yes. Did my sanity fracture somewhat from trying to work at home while simultaneously calming a screaming two year old? Maybe. But it’s over, and the end of the school year is in sight, which means that whatever else is going on, at least I won’t have to grade anything or teach classes over google hangouts ever again. Or at least for a couple of months.

I’ve been baking, cooking, gardening, doing yoga, taking walks while carefully social distancing, playing with my little ones—all of which is great. But the stress and anxiety is still there. I miss so many things—going to parks, museums, seeing friends, Comic Cons, the Renaissance Fair. But I’m trying to stay focused on the things I do have. And besides, this can’t go on forever—there will eventually be a vaccine and enough testing we can safely see other people again. Right?

Beltane Books is a celebration of fantasy books in Kindle Unlimited, hosted by Alexis Lantgen

Beltane Books is a celebration of fantasy books in Kindle Unlimited, hosted by Alexis Lantgen

Books, Books, and Books!

After finishing Lulu in Hollywood, I started reading The Regency Years by Robert Morrison, which is a fascinating look at English history from about 1810 to 1820. It’s actually a really interesting time in history, sort of a last great hurrah of sex, booze, and Lord Byron before the Victorians came in a started shutting down all the naughtiness. I’m also looking forward to reading G.M. Nair’s Duckett & Dyer: The One-Hundred Percent Solution, and Jerome K. Jerome’s Three Men in a Boat (which I’ve been curious about since Connie Willis mentions it so much in “To Say Nothing of the Dog”).

I’m also hosting a couple of online book fairs this month. Beltane Books is for fantasy books in kindle unlimited, while May Moons and Stars Books is for science fiction books on sale for less than $3.00. My books will also be in the Forgotten Magic Book Sale and the May Sci-fi Book Sale, as well as the Quarantine Sci-fi Fair for books in Kindle Unlimited.

As for writing, I’ve found it hard to do much apart from writing in a journal, which while it has been beneficial for my mental health, has not immediately paid dividends in terms of actually working on/finishing stories or other projects. Still, I hope that if I keep going eventually I get some good ideas.

Pictures of My Cats!!

Because sometimes we just need to look at some cat pictures, right?

Scribbles, my cat. Unlike most cats, Scribbles is actually thrilled that we’re home right now. She’s been giving tons of cuddles ad getting lots of pets!

Scribbles, my cat. Unlike most cats, Scribbles is actually thrilled that we’re home right now. She’s been giving tons of cuddles ad getting lots of pets!

This is Saga, who is also gotten lots of lovey cuddles since we’ve been staying home. She loves snuggling up to me while I’m in our chair.

This is Saga, who is also gotten lots of lovey cuddles since we’ve been staying home. She loves snuggling up to me while I’m in our chair.

Such a pretty cat! Scribbles, by Alexis Lantgen at

Such a pretty cat! Scribbles, by Alexis Lantgen at

Spring News

Staying Safe, Sane, and Healthy

It’s been a tough spring. People are getting sick and dying, people have lost their jobs and are struggling, and many of us are figuring out how to homeschool our children while working from home (it’s not easy, and I actually work as a teacher!). I’m sorry for all the struggles everyone is facing, but I’m happy that so many people are coming together to help. I’m touched by the hard work and dedication of our healthcare workers, and even our grocery store workers! I’m trying to do my part by sewing homemade face masks, which I donated to my local pediatrician’s office. I found an easy YouTube tutorial that you can find here (I tried some other tutorials as well, but I felt that this one was the best). They’re easy to make with scrap material, so I used the leftovers from the crib sheets I made before my daughter was born (I figured they’d work really well for a pediatrician).

Fabric Face Masks made by Alexis Lantgen from Lunarian Press

Fabric Face Masks made by Alexis Lantgen from Lunarian Press

Keeping in Touch

I know it’s hard when you can’t really leave the house much, but it’s important to keep in touch with people. I’ve met with online with my writing group these last couple of weeks, and I hope we continue to see each other, even if it’s in google hangouts or facebook video calls. I’ve been talking to my fellow teachers that way too, and it’s nice. Several of my talented artist friends have also live streamed concerts or poetry readings, which has been great as well.

Book News

I’m hosting a few book fairs in Story Origin this month, including Spring Spec Fic: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and other Speculative Fiction for books in Kindle Unlimited and the Spring Sci-Fi and Fantasy Book Sale, for books under $3.00. My books are also in the Space Opera and Fantasy Adventures Sale and April is for Unicorns (and other fantasy creatures) Kindle Unlimited Fair.

Find my books Sapience and Saints and Curses in the Spring Sci-Fi and Fantasy Book Sale! Created by Writer Alexis Lantgen at Lunarian Press

Find my books Sapience and Saints and Curses in the Spring Sci-Fi and Fantasy Book Sale! Created by Writer Alexis Lantgen at Lunarian Press

Will it all be okay?

I’d like to conclude this post by writing about how everything is going to be okay. But I can’t write that, because it’s not honest. I don’t know how this will turn out, though I’m hoping for the best—we contain the virus until there’s a good treatment , a vaccine, or both, and everything goes back to the way it was. I don’t know if that will happen. But I do know that while everything can be scary and overwhelming and difficult, it will be a thousand times better if we’re good to one another. So be kind! Call your friends and family, or skype/google hangout/facebook message, what have you. Hug your children and tell them how much you love them. Try to do good by other people. And try to stay home, stay safe, and stay healthy!

Also, here’s a hedgehog:


February Book News!

I’m very excited for February, for so many reasons! My little one is having his birthday this month, and I’m going to play another concert with the Wichita Falls Symphony. And I have some exciting book news. Specifically, for the first time I’m hosting a book fair (or actually fairs) on Story Origin!

The first fair is Fabulous and Frightening Futures: February Sci-Fi. Yes, I loved coming up with the name! It’s a book fair for science fiction ebooks under $5.00. Many of the books are well-reviewed and they look very interesting, so check them out!

The Science Fiction Book Fair I’m hosting on Story Origin!

The Science Fiction Book Fair I’m hosting on Story Origin!

My next book fair really took off. As in, there’s over fifty book in my February Fairy Tales and Fantasy Book Fair! Which is really exciting! I’m so glad it’s taken off with my fellow writers, and I hope that all readers out there find some great books, too. Like the Sci-Fi fair, February Fairy Tales and Fantasy is for fantasy ebooks that are $5.00 and under. I’m particularly excited about some of the books in this fair—there’s tons of talented writers taking part, including people from around the world (one writer, A. J. Ponder, is from New Zealand).

In addition to the book fairs I’m hosting, my books are also in several fairs hosted by other authors this month. In particular, Sapience is in Kindle Unlimited Sci-Fi and The Best of Kindle Unlimited. One of the short stories from Saints and Curses is in And a Witchy New Year! and Mystical Reads Urban Fantasy Giveaway!

In addition to all the online book fairs, my friend and fellow writer Sarah Mensinga and I have applied to have a table at Fan Expo Dallas and Alringcon again this year. I’m super excited about going to the cons, and I can’t wait to start planning for this year. Will I come up with a cosplay costume in time, or should I go for a comfort in a fun T-shirt? Either way, I’m super excited to see all the great cosplay and hang out with our fellow artists/writers/geeks/nerds/fans at the cons!

New Year, New Book News!

It’s been a very busy and exciting year! I’ve published two books, had my first author events, including my first table at a Comic Con and my first small scale book tour, and I’ve found at least some time to write (though not as much as I’d like). I’m happy to have come so far, and hopeful for the future. I’m also so grateful for my lovely friends and my beautiful family.

In recent news, Saints and Curses is on sale this week! It’s only $0.99 in a Kindle Countdown until January 6, 2020, so if you haven’t gotten it yet, now’s your chance! I’ve also happy that Saints and Curses has been getting even more great reviews, including a recent review from the Magic Book Corner.

Varying both in theme as well as in genre, these little short reads explore fantasy and magic from a wide variety of perspectives and settings. Some are humorous, others touching, some will make you tear up and others may even horrify you. But they will all leave a mark.

Saints and Curses got another great review from Writer/Blogger Steph Warren at Book Shine and Read Bows:

There is a mixture of light and dark fantasy here, which means a little something for every taste, and I would definitely suggest these stories if you are looking for a quick, entertaining fantasy selection.

In addition to getting some lovely reviews, had both Saints and Curses and Sapience in several interesting online Book Fairs in the new website, Story Origin (for more information, check out my Newsletter). The fairs include the New Year Sci-Fi KU Bundle, the Readings for a Winter Solstice Fair for Magical Books, the Fantasy Previews Fair, and the Magic and Mayhem Fair.

In short, I’m looking forward to the New Year! I can’t wait to go back to Fan Expo, and I’m planning on finding a way to meet both my personal goals and my writing goals this year. May you have a Happy New Year filled with lots of great books to read!

My Latest Book News--Reviews, Interviews, and the Library!

In addition to the mini-book tour, I’ve also had some great online book promotion lately! I had a lovely interview with Dr. J, a book blogger who’s also reviewed both Sapience and Saints & Curses. Here’s my favorite quote (this is so me right now, even more so since school started and I’ve back at work):

Just keep going--read, write, don't beat yourself up, just keep going! Lots of great books took their authors years, even decades, to write. While I respect people who write quickly, if that's not you (and it's not me), just keep writing and you'll get there.

Even reading it again, it helps to remind myself that it gets better. Right now, at the start of a new school year, I’m bone-tired and stressed out, and I can' hardly get any writing done at all. But it will pass. Everyone will adjust to being back at school, we’ll find a good routine, and I’ll get my energy back. Someday. Right?

Saints and Curses also got lovely reviews from book bloggers GripLitGrl and Sarah Lillian! Here’s my favorite quote from GripLitGrl’s review:

I love how Lantgen put together these short stories with great balance the stories transition between dark and light magical fantasy. Each time one story ends you’ll be looking forward to reading the next one.

And here’s another quote from Sarah Lillian:

Although Erlkong was short, of course as it is part of a short story collection, it still made me cry. In a few pages Alexis hit me hard in the feels (in the best way).

I’m so glad that both bloggers enjoyed my book!

Sapience also got a book spotlight on a new book blog, Functionally Fictional, and Saints & Curses had a spotlight with an excerpt on K.M. Jenkins’ blog.

And of course, some of my big news! My books are both available in the public library in Carrollton, Texas! I had heard it could be a challenge to get books on the shelves of libraries, since many librarians are very picky about their collections. But as of now, both Sapience and Saints & Curses on the shelves! My experience at the Carrollton library was so easy and painless that I’m going to try for some more libraries soon. As soon as I’m adjusted enough to my teaching schedule that I don’t feel like my brain is being sucked out of a funnel by the end of the day:)

My books, Sapience and Saints & Curses, are on the shelves in my local library! It’s a writer’s dream come true!

My books, Sapience and Saints & Curses, are on the shelves in my local library! It’s a writer’s dream come true!

If you’d like to know more about my upcoming author events and other book news, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

Our Half Price Books Tour: Results

If you’ve been following my blog or other social media, you may know that my friend Sarah Mensinga and I did a mini-book tour of our local Half Price Bookstores. I thought I’d write about how we set up the tour, and what results we had in terms of sales and experiences. It’s been a fun and exciting journey!

Setting Up an Author Event

It turns out that arranging book signings and other events at local bookstores, at least at the Half Price Bookstores here in Texas, is fairly easy. Honestly, I started by just visiting the bookstores and asking if they did events for local authors. If they did, I asked who to contact or talk to arrange an event of my own. Sometimes we had to fill out a form online or send one into the store, but most of the time either me or Sarah just had to email or talk to the manager of the store and arrange a date. Truthfully, I was surprised at how easy this part was!

Now, I do think that it’s likely easier to arrange events at used bookstores or indie bookstores than it may be at larger chains, but since I love used and indie bookstores, that didn’t bother me. There’s also a waiting list of a couple of months at the larger bookstores, such as the Flagship Half Price in Dallas. But if you’re patient, professional, and flexible on dates, I don’t think it would be particularly hard for most authors to arrange a book signing at a couple of local stores.

My author table at the Flagship Half Price Bookstore in Dallas!

My author table at the Flagship Half Price Bookstore in Dallas!

Presenting Your Books—the Display

Sarah and I had already bought banners, banner stands, and book stands for our table at Dallas Fan Expo, so we didn’t really need any more materials for our events. The nice thing about a good author banner is that you can reuse it at tons of different events! I also had a few books leftover from Fan Expo and Arlingcon, though I did end up buying about ten more copies of both Sapience and Saints & Curses to bring on the tour.

A good display should show off a couple of copies of your books, have a clear and easy to read price list (including any deals or sales you’re having), and be eye-catching (dramatic colors, texts large enough for people to read at a distance, etc.). We had cute little mini-easels that held copy of each books upright, so people could see them easily. Sarah found these at an art supply store for a steep discount. I also printed a couple sheets of QR codes, so that people could scan them and easily find our books/website online if they wanted. I’d also recommend that you have a way to take credit cards, which is easy to do using the Square App (they’ll send you a free card-swiper).

I think one of the things a lot of author miss at book events, however, is a clear communication of genre. As a reader and a writer, I generally prefer science fiction and fantasy. Whatever genres you write, your banner—its pictures, its text, and its style—should reflect that. One thing I’ve discovered is that many people have clear preferences for say, science fiction, and they are looking for a display that screams “scifi here!” Which is fine, as my banner does just that, and that’s what I like to write. But if your banner is genre ambiguous—if people can’t tell if it’s high fantasy, urban fantasy, steampunk, or scifi—tons of potential readers will give you a hard pass. So make your genre clear! Even if it turns off a few casual readers who don’t care for say, Urban Fantasy, that’s okay. Those people probably wouldn’t have bought your book anyway, and your banner will be a beacon to people who are interested in what you write.

Smiles and Professionalism—Meeting Your Readers

Most of the book signings we did were about 2-3 hours long, and the amount of traffic we saw during that time was highly variable. Our position in the stores seemed to matter a bit too—we generally sold more from a central location, right where people entering the store could see us clearly. I also sold dramatically more books at the large Flagship store in Dallas than in the smaller suburban stores. But, we made sales and connections at every store we visited, even if we were in an out-of-the way corner.

I think it helps to smile, greet people, then have a short pitch ready for people who come by your table. Try to give the basic of your book in a sentence or two—genre, length, topic of interest, price. My pitch for Sapience went something like this:

Hello! I’m a local author. Sapience is my collection of science fiction short stories. Many of the stories take place on a colony on Jupiter’s Moon Europa, because Europa is one of the places that NASA thinks we are most likely to find extraterrestrial life in our solar system. All of the books are ten dollars a piece.”

Short, simple, to the point. If they seemed interested in any of our books, I had a short description of each of them ready. I encouraged people to pick the books up, read the back, flip through them, and many people did. At that point, I shut up and left them alone. I wanted a chance to explain the basics of my books, but I didn’t want them to feel pressured or harassed. What’s more, if someone walked away, I kept a smile on my face and thanked them for coming by. No one will buy your book if you come off as sullen or resentful, and people will sometimes come back to buy your book as you’re leaving, or even online. It may be coincidence, but I often had an online sales bump after good sales at a bookstore. Besides, if you come back to the same stores, you may see regular costumers, and you always want to treat them with kindness and respect! Make their memories and encounters with you positive, and even if they don’t buy your book right then, they may buy it later or tell their friends.

In fact—here’s a fun story! One lovely lady who bought a copy of Sapience at an earlier event, came to see me a second time at our big event in the Flagship Half Price! She liked my book so much she bought copies for all of her friends!

Results and Sales

One of the nice things about doing the book signings in Half Price Books was that our table was free (unlike cons, which can charge a significant amount for a table at the larger events). Furthermore, since we already had most of our set up and display equipment from previous events, the only cost for our tour was the books themselves. That’s nice, because it meant I felt less pressure to sell a certain amount of books to cover the cost of the table.

We sold books at every event, but I definitely sold dramatically more books at the Flagship Half Price. It was a significantly larger store, they did signs in the store to promote us, and we were very centrally located. However, one of the major sales I had was to a reader who’d met me at a previous event at a smaller store. My point is, while you will likely sell more at larger stores and events, that’s not the only thing that matters. Sometimes making a meaningful connection with a reader, even if you only sell one or two books, is what’s most important.

Overall, I’d highly recommend organizing in-person local bookstore events to any author, whether traditional or indie. Many people really enjoy meeting authors face-to-face. It’s easy to get bogged down in the digital world and think that the best way to promote your books is on social media, but I’ve found in-person events can give you great connection to readers, as well as good sales, that you might not find online.

Book Sales, Reviews, Author Interview, and a Guest Post on New Adventures in Scifi!

I’ve been doing tons of book promotions lately, and I’m excited to announce that both of my books are on sale for the first time! Both Sapience and Saints & Curses are on sale for $0.99 (a Kindle Countdown) until Aug. 16, 2019. Be sure to check them out!

I’m also excited that both Saints & Curses received an excellent review from writer and book blogger Dr. J, on the blog, Dr. J Reads! Dr. J also wrote a wonderful review of Sapience on Amazon, and was kind enough to ask me for an interview, which should be out soon.

If there’s anything I like in fantasy stories, it’s the idea that even in a modern and sometimes decidedly mundane world, magic is just around the corner. I find some fantasy writers act as though magic or incredible things or heroism are relics of an ancient past, and I just find that mentality really depressing. I find magic, at least in the sense of the mysterious and haunting qualities of nature or human beings, very real and present today. —from my interview on

I’ve also been happy that I had another author interview come out, this one on! It’s a very interesting website, especially for writers, so check it out!

One of the things I enjoy most on Twitter is writing very short stories, or vss. There are tons of great hashtags to give you prompts, including #vss365, #SciFiFri, #SciFanSat, and #Satsplat. For someone who’s busy or a bit overwhelmed but still wants to write, these hashtags are a great way to write and be creative in tiny bursts throughout the week.—from my guest post on New Adventures in Sci-Fi

Last but not least, I’ve also shared some of my most recent very short stories on Chris Morton’s New Adventures in Sci-fi! These were some of my favorite recent vss, if you like my mini stories, especially science fiction and fantasy ones, take a look!


Guest Post, an Interview, and two Reviews

I’ve been busy promoting both my books, Sapience and Saints and Curses, and I’m happy with how that’s going! Today, my friend Sarah Mensinga and I had out first book signing at a local Half Price Bookstore in Plano, TX! We’ll be doing a mini tour of bookstores (find our schedule here). In addition to in-person events, I’ve done another guest post, an interview, and I’ve had two more reviews, including my first by a booktuber!

Me (Alexis Lantgen) holding a copy of my book, Saints and Curses: A Collection of Fantasy Short Stories, at my table at Half Price Books.

Me (Alexis Lantgen) holding a copy of my book, Saints and Curses: A Collection of Fantasy Short Stories, at my table at Half Price Books.

You can find my latest guest post at the Sorcerer of Tea’s website. I wrote “5 Tips for First Time Book Convention Vendors,” and I’m happy with how it turned out. If you’re a writer interested in potentially getting a table at a Comicon, or if you just love Comicons, check it out!

I knew as soon as I decided to publish my first book, Sapience, that I’d love to get a table at a local book convention. I’d been to cons before, and there are always tons of science fiction/fantasy fans roaming about, enjoying the finely polished dice and the hilarious T-shirt slogans.

My most recent interview is with Pond’s Press, which is website about Video Games, Movies, and Netflix shows. I appreciate Chase Pond for contacting me!

My next interview is about a leader in a science fiction writing organization here in DFW. Let’s hear more about it from Alexis Lantgen.

I’m also happy to have a new review of Saints and Curses from writer and book blogger Laura Elizabeth. She has some really beautiful things to say about my book, and it’s always wonderful to hear how much someone enjoyed your stories (honestly, I even enjoy reading a thoughtful critique—it’s nice when someone thinks deeply about your work as well).

I enjoyed the variety in these stories, and Lantgen does well to give each one a completely distinct feel. Moving from story to story we’re treated to some vivid and surprisingly detailed characters, a real strength of the collection, and completely different narrative tones.

Last but not least, I got my first review by a booktuber, April Grace. She gives a very thoughtful description of the stories in Saints and Curses in the video below. She’s agreed to read Sapience as well, and I’m looking forward to hearing what she has to say about my science fiction short stories too.

If you’d like to hear more about my author events, don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter!